Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

Taiwan Central Bank Governor asks state to help HTC


HTC is having a bit of a rough patch on the financial side, and Taiwan's Central Bank Governor Perng Fai-nanhas asked the government to step in and offer an assist, saying the smartphone manufacturer's financial status is "of vital importance to the islands' gross domestic product" according to the Commercial Times.

At a meeting with the cabinet, Perngreportedly said the decline of HTC is a leading factor for Taiwan's slowing exports, and he thinks the government should step in and offer some help. Exports form Taiwan for the month of July are down 11.6-percent from the same time last year, and have declined for five straight months.

According to an unnamed government official, the Mini stry of Economic Affairs is already discussing measures to assist. Regardless of how you feel about bail-outs or government assistance, we certainly don't want to see HTC go away any time soon.Choice is one of Android's greatest strengths, and plenty of us are enamored with HTC's offerings.

Source: Commercial Times (Chinese); via Android Central forums

Via: Taiwan Central Bank Governor asks state to help HTC

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